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Touristic attractions

Auditorium, Tower bell and St. Stephen TowerLandscape
The landscape, shaped by human interventions, is characterized by slimy limestone alluvial deposits. 
Such deposits have been object of mining activities for a long time: this led to the formation of several stretches of water and important wetlands from a naturalistic point of view originated.
Molinella still has got a remarkable system of locks and historical canals and the surroundings of the town are the right place for those who love open air activities.

St. Stephen TowerAuditorium and leaning Tower
Constructed in the 14th century and located in the city centre, the Auditorium was an ancient church (St. Matteo). The leaning Tower, which served as the bell tower of the church, is famous because of its awkward geometry, as a result of the poor swampy soil beneath.

St. Stephen Tower
The tower, built in the 12th century, is all that remains of the castle of St. Stephen.

Selva Malvezzi
Selva Malvezzi has a distinguished historical centre and is dotted with sumptuous buildings (Palazzo del Governatore)




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Comune di Molinella (BO) - Italy
Piazza Anselmo Martoni, 1
40062 Molinella (BO)
Tel. 051/690.68.11 - Fax 051/88.72.19
PEC: comune.molinella@cert.provincia.bo.it
P.Iva: 00510171200 - C.Fiscale: 00446980377

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